Technical symbols are characters or images that are used to represent specific concepts, measurements, or notations in technical fields such as engineering, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Some examples of technical symbols include:
Electrical and electronic symbols: such as ⏚ (ground), ⌀ (diameter), ⎓ (voltage), ⎔ (resistor),
Physics and mathematical symbols: such as ∞ (infinity), √ (square root), ∫ (integral), ∑ (summation), ∂ (partial derivative)
Computer science and programming symbols: such as & (and), | (or), ~ (not), < (less than), > (greater than)
Flowchart and diagram symbols: such as ➡ (arrow), ⬛ (rectangle), ⭕ (circle), ⬜ (cloud)
These symbols are used in various technical fields to express specific concepts, measurements, or notations, and are used in technical documents, diagrams, and schematics, as well as in programming languages.